t two

t twot two
  1. The control group of oral medicine , every time a new Diane force , 2 times a day ( morning , and at noon ), four week is a continuous treatmen ( t two treatment period ) .


  2. Prices plummet.In 1913 , a Model T cost two years ' wages .


  3. The squaw will reach home base in t minus two minutes .


  4. He had se t up two charitable trusts .


  5. In this paper , An change law of the ì & T for two kinds of the braking friction couples is tested in different working condition by the test-bed made by oneself .


  6. Correlation of Brain Water Content with MRI Relaxation Time T_1 and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Studied at 7.0 T in Two Models of Focal Cerebral Ischemia and Traumatic Brain Injury in the Rat


  7. When T has two vertices of maximum degree which are adjacent , the adjacent strong edge chromatic number of these product graphs are all Δ( T ) + m + 1 . T is tree graph with n ( n ≥ 3 ) order .


  8. Familial long q & t interval syndrome two case reports and census of their familial systems


  9. The elder Knudsen had supervised the establishment of fourteen Model T plants in two years .


  10. The T cells express two kinds of Antigen receptors : TCR αβ and TCR γδ .


  11. And the composition in the liquid phase which I 'm fixing T So my two variables are xB and T.


  12. Statistical results of the fitting parameters of effective temperature T e show two centers for the temperature distribution , implying two mechanisms for the PL processes .


  13. Two plus t will be two and a half of five halves , So , this is where the line intersects the plane .


  14. The activation of T cells need two independent signals . The two signals are offered by APC when naive T cell recognizes specific antigen .


  15. The activation of T cells required two signals . The second signal is co-stimulatory which can regulates Th cell polarization and cytokine secretion .


  16. Two sets of measurement data use t test , two group count data use X2 test , or compared with F tests or rank sum test of H test .


  17. All of T serieses are two centses speaker , noble cultured , and have very convenient gearing module ;


  18. Some formulas of the relationship between copper consumption and GDP are derived from IPAT equation , and the annual growth rate of GDP ( g ) and annual decreasing rate of copper consumption per unit GDP ( t ) are two key parameters influencing copper consumption .


  19. Objective : To observe the acute toxicity reaction of the healthy mice to a complex-probiotic-preparation ( Hai Sheng Yuan , HSY ) and its two core components M 9 and T 9 ( Two probiotic strains ), and evaluate the safety of those subjects .


  20. T cell activation requires two signal systems .


  21. From ν and τ we may define measures for the product space T × X by two different ways .


  22. The results of variance analysis and two one-side t test showed that two preparations were bioequivalent .


  23. Paired t test by the two groups , P 0.05 , compared two groups after treatment shows a statistically significant difference .


  24. The activity of NK cells and the levels of T lymphocyte subpopulation in two groups after treatment were observed .


  25. In the vascular wall cavity re-imaging measurements of coronary artery stenosis and conducted t tests between the two groups .


  26. Now , if we want to be even more precise , there 's another term , which is t ^ 2 over two times the second derivative .


  27. The results of variance analysis and two-side t test showed that two products were bioequivalent . The relative bioavailability was ( 97.1 ± 22.7 ) % .


  28. From the experience of the world financial center 's forming , we can find out t financial agglomeration has two kinds of forming modes : self-development and interposition development .


  29. Methods Twenty seven cases of PCa and 184 cases of BPH were studied retrospectively , T-PSA and F / T ratio between these two kinds of diseases was analyzed .


  30. It is shown that the nodal plane ( A , B ) the stress axes ( P , T ), provided by two methods are almost same . The corresponding is good .
